Bereavement Leave Policy
Purpose: To provide Postdoctoral Researchers with paid time off from work when a death occurs in their families.
Bereavement Leave Policy for the Death of a Child or Spouse
In the event of the death of a Postdoctoral Researcher’s child or spouse (as defined below), the Postdoctoral Researcher may take up to four weeks (20 work days) of Paid Bereavement Leave. Bereavement Leave for the death of a child or spouse need not be taken on consecutive work days, but must be taken within one year of the death.
For the purposes of Bereavement Leave, a child is defined as a Postdoctoral Researcher’s son or daughter who is a biological, adopted, or foster child; a stepchild; a legal ward; or a child for whom the Postdoctoral Researcher is standing in loco parentis (in the place of a parent). This definition applies only to Bereavement Leave and not to other University benefits referencing a child or similar terminology.
For the purposes of Bereavement Leave, spouse is defined as a Postdoctoral Researcher’s legal spouse or domestic partner with a Statement of Domestic Partnership registered and approved by the Benefits Office.
Bereavement Leave Policy for Other Family Members
In the event of the death of a Postdoctoral Researcher’s parent, foster parent, or step-parent; sister or brother; grandparent or grandchild; son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, or mother-in-law; or the parent of a Postdoctoral Researcher’s University-approved domestic partner, the Postdoctoral Researcher may take up to one week (five consecutive work days) of Bereavement Leave immediately following the death.
Administration for Bereavement Leave
A Postdoctoral Researcher should communicate the need for Bereavement Leave as soon as is practicable to both their supervisor and to the Designated Dean’s Office Contact.
Paid Bereavement Leave will not be deducted from a Postdoctoral Researcher’s allocated sick leave or other paid time off, and a Postdoctoral Researcher may request additional time off to be charged against sick leave, other paid time off, or as unpaid time off. Requests for additional time off should be made to both the Postdoctoral Researcher’s supervisor and to the Designated Dean’s Office Contact.
Consideration will be given by the Designated Dean’s Office Contact at its discretion on an individual basis to requests for Bereavement Leave in the event of the death of a person not bearing one of the relationships listed above.
A Postdoctoral Researcher may be required to verify the relationship and death. Documentation requested may include a death certificate, a published obituary, or written verification of death, burial, or memorial services from a mortuary, funeral home, burial society, crematorium, religious institution, or government agency.